Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Happy New Year's Eve!

I'm going to start by saying that I can't BELIEVE 
2014 is here! When did that happen?? What are 
your plans tonight and how are YOU ringing in 
the New Year? Any new or exciting endeavors 
you're looking forward to?
For me, 2013 was filled with so many new 
adventures that as sad as I am to see it come to 
a close, I know that 2014 will be even better!

Now that Christmas is over and the snows really 
starting to pile up I have one thing on
my mind: Spring begins in 3 months! YAY!

I have some pretty big things planned for 2014. 
The biggest one, and the one I'm most excited
about, is the start to my first Protect 365!
For those of you who don't know, "Project 365" is 
a great way to add creativity as well as 
gets you looking more at the things round you differently, 
as well as gets your mind going with new
ideas that keep your photography new and exciting. 
So for the next 365 days, I
will be documenting 1 picture a day and posting it to 
this blog, for you all to see! 
So feel free to comment with ideas, questions, 
or with help starting your own Project! 

In this next year, make every *snap* of your camera count. 
Every day that goes by, do something worthwhile. 
Stop and take in the beauty around you, hug 
the ones you love, and truly live the life 
you desire most. It's out there waiting, you just 
have to make the first step. In this New Year, 
do what you love most. Take that step.

From my little family to yours, 
Have a Happy and Blessed New Year. 
Let's make it count.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Hello Everyone!

  I'm super excited to finally have made the jump into my own blog! Not sure where to start so I guess I'll begin with a quick ''about me". Here goes!

For those of you who don't know, this is me :)                                                                                                                                           ----------> 
And this is me with my amazing fiance, Michael & our pups, Charlie :)

We've been together since August of 2012 and we're in the process of planning our wedding which is taking place at the end of this year!

Now about how I got into this business in the first place. I got my first "real" camera when I was 11. I did what most young photographer-wanna-be's do and took pictures of everything from my little sisters, my mothers plants and our chickens. 

As I got older I started to take my little camera more seriously, then for my 14th birthday my parents got me a Nikon D40 and that's when things really took off.
I began to look through that lens differently and before I knew it, I was taking my Nikon with me everywhere I went. From there it wasn't long before I realized photography was all I wanted. 
Over the years I've had the privilege of speaking with many fantastic photographers, (all of which have been a great help and inspiration to this young artist in training), I've taken classes, read book after book, spent hours online researching lighting techniques, how to create my own style and so on...
So here I am, 9 years later, still working my tail off trying to learn as much as I can about this art and I've found that I truly love every minute I spend behind my lens!

So why am I telling you all this? Well because I've been hiding my work from the world for too long, afraid of what others may think. "Well that's an odd thing to say". Well yes it is, but here's why I said it. These days people are so afraid to say and do what they love because of what someone may think. They hold back what's going on inside of them. That's what I did for the longest time, and I'll tell you what, I'm not hiding my work anymore. Photography, painting, drawing, music, dancing...life, it's all an art form of one kind or another. So many of us hide those feelings and keep them inside, the world has forgotten what true art and true beauty are about. I'm here right now, typing this to all of you, (on my computer with a broken "L" key...), with the hope of starting something big. Showing what I love and hoping you feel the same thing I feel when I snap that photo. Hoping that it inspires you to get up and do what you love, to show the world what you're able to create and not be worried that someone may not like it or think you stink. Artwork is called "art" because it's an expression of what's inside you! That's what made Leonardo da Vinci's 'Mona Lisa' or the great masterpiece Micheangelo created in the Basilica of St. Peter so special; they were the feelings and expressions of what was inside of those great men! THAT, is what we need more of today. THAT is why I started this blog. THAT is what I aim to accomplish here. 
So please, check out my work, feel free to comment with any ideas or artist stories of your own; I would truly love to hear about them! I strongly encourage all of you to pick up a camera and play around with it, you never know what might happen. :)
I hope my work and what I've said here gives you all the confidence to fine-tune the art that's inside you as well as the courage to keep going!

Happy Snapping,

    Future Famous Photographer in the making, :)
  Best Wishes,
     Emily <3